Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wooden mouths

False words fall out of wooden mouths
Mouths hungry As they breath soot, singing with flame
their want overpowers
The strings shift, pulling the limbs up and around
dastardly deeds done by devils

Steel coat

Words say nothing that cannot be said with howls and wails
Screams that pierce the flesh and hammer in nails
Worn like coats just as kings wear their crowns
Just as cruel carefree kings stroll their grounds
Glitter cruelly above them mocking them

See all that u cannot possess, small thing?!
See all of your dreams unobtainable?
We make it so.

Grief coats they wear filled with despair
Steel coats forged by many hands, their hands shake
Casting eyes about they despair, they bleed
Offering up their hope to be eaten
Decimated, they trudge through ruts bowed head
Quiet Death following closely their quiet steps
Hematic, murderous days of hopelessness
The jewels whisper, we make it so.